Tuesday, February 23, 2010

How to setup for long drives and accurate iron shots

I`d like to start by saying that I have been playing pro golf since 2002 and all the infomation I am going to share with you is from years of trial and error with regards to research and development in my own golf swing and game from tee to green.
Today I will discuss the setup for a good and powerful swing, enjoy!

1.  Stance - this is the base of the swing and should be strong and in balance.
Your feet should be roughly the same width as your shoulders - too wide and the tendency is to slide or sway instead of turn. To create power you need resistance. Too narrow and balance becomes an issue.
2.  Spine angle - try to keep your back as straight as possible; this will help you turn easier and there will be less strain on your back during the swing.
3.  Distance from the ball - when addressing the ball you want to feel like your arms are hanging down freely and that you are not reaching for the ball.
4.  Keep your chin up - when turning to the top of your backswing your shoulder will fit under your chin, this will also help you to maintain your height through the swing.
5.  Ball position - this is very important in every shot and one should be aware that is makes a big difference on your ball flight and the angle of approach for different clubs. The driver for eg. ball position is opposite the left heel because the ball is on a tee and requires more of a sweeping motion. A sandwedge, however, is more in the middle of your stance because the angle of approach is much steeper.

Whenever I practice or try new ideas on the range, I always put a club down at my feet parralel to my target. You can learn alot on the range if you know what to look for, but I mainly do this to see if the ball is going where I am aiming. The fundamentals of this great game are easily one of the most important parts of golf and there is alot i have to share. This is just an introduction to what I know and have experienced in the game and I hope that it helps you....